On this page we present videos of the four stop sets available on this Hauptwerk organ with improvisations by Juan A. Mesa.
Spec 1 - Baroque
8’ Rhorflote
4’ Spitzflote
2’ Octave
1 1/3’ Larigot
8’ Krummhorn
Spec 2 ~ Gedeckt
8’ Singendgedeckt
4’ Koppelflote
4’ Prestant
2 2/3’ Nasard
2’ Nachthorn
Spec 3 ~ Chorus - wide scale
8’ Bourdon
4’ Octave
2’ Quarte de Nazard
IV Cymbale
. 8’ Schalmei
Spec 4 ~ Italian Principal
8’ Principale
8’ Bordone
4’ Ottava
II Sesquialtera
III-IV Ripieno